Sunday, November 20, 2011


At about 10.15 this morning, Son and his future wife appeared at the door. "Didn't you get my text?" he said. "I texted you when we left Perth to say we were coming." And so he had, but I hadn't been in the same room as my phone. So it was a surprise - a nice one.

He's growing a beard for Movember. "Are you not just supposed to grow a moustache?" I asked.

"Well, yes, but that would look silly," he said.

Actually, he did shave it off ten days ago or something because he had to go to the GP practice where he'd worked some months ago and thought that he might be teased. But it's doing quite well again.

Grandson didn't seem to notice any difference. Son thinks he'll shave it off quite soon.

As you can tell, I have nothing tremendously significant to say, but this isn't allowed to stop one during NaBloPoMo, is it?


  1. good gosh - those two just get more and more handsome every day, don't they?!?

  2. Aren't you lucky that he's close enough to just drop in like that! We're very familiar with "manscaping" around here!
    Little grandson is certainly not short of arms to hold him!For such a smile I'd get in line myself, if I were closer!

    What on earth is Movember?

    Hats off to your commitment to every day posting!

  3. Well, a visit from Beloved Son and photos of same Beloved Son and Adorable {Smiling} Grandson are certainly worth a post!

  4. Your grand son is A bonny Baby you are so lucky.
    Hugs Mary.xx

  5. Now we've got Movember to add to NaNoWriMo and NaNoBlowSomethingOrOther.... with all those keys on the keyboard, you'd think people could just type out what the heck they are trying to say, wouldn't you? 8-)

    Cute beard, by the way, and cute baby.
