Friday, August 08, 2014


Mr Life, Daughter 2 and I were up town this afternoon and paused to listen to the band of the Central Lakes College from Minnesota, who were playing in the Ross Bandstand in Princes Street. A lady handed us a programme and we were very excited to see lots of Scandinavian names, just like in Lake Wobegon. Minnesota sounds very intriguing to us, what with Norwegian bachelor farmers, ice fishing and the Chatterbox Cafe (imagine the accent).

If you're actually from Minnesota, then Edinburgh Castle might seem more unusual to you, though we see it all the time.

While they were playing, three small children came out to the front and started dancing. A compilation from "Star Wars" wasn't the most danceable music, but they seemed to find it perfectly satisfactory.


  1. Oh, I don't know - the Mos Eisley Cantina music is quite danceable!

  2. That would have been a fun concert to hear! Many many years ago we took our sons (who both played in local community bands) to see a visiting American band, and they were very good. There may have been small children dancing at the front too........but it was over 25 years ago, so I disremember.

  3. I used to play Garrison Keiler tapes in the car and even the kids loved it...Lake Wobegon sounds divine and I would love to visit Minnesota. As for the Castle? well the stuff on our doorsteps just sort of blends in and sometimes we forget takes a visitor to remind us of how luck y we are.

  4. Well, as long as the music has some sort of beat I suppose you can dance to it. I've visited Minnesota several times as I have family living there. No Scandinavian names, though, and the 95 year old wishes he was back in Middlesbrough.

  5. Tales from Lake Woebegone is my favorite part of the Prairie Home Companion radio show. So long as Garrison Keillor is not singing, I'm happy.

    As for your outing, the view of Edinburgh Castle would be the best part for me, because it would mean I was in my favorite place in the world. SCOTLAND!

  6. Sounds like a fun little concert. I was listening to a BBC report this morning about sign language interpreters who interpret comedians at The Fringe -- and I thought of you. (Only because it's Fringe time -- not for any of the other reasons LOL.) I've lived in Minnesota and been to Edinburgh and they're both fascinating (although I think you know my preference ;-D)!

  7. Colleges and Universities in Minnesota have a very good reputation - esp. their music programs. Our DS1 and D-I-L have lived in Minneapolis (and plan to again soon) and we loved to visit them there. Enough so that if/when they return, we will consider moving up there to be closer to them, and the impending GRAND CHILD! D-I-L is a farm girl, born and raised in Minnesota and Lake Wobegone could be any one of the small towns across the state. Garrison Keillor knows whereof he writes.

    I imagine that the students in that Band were absolutely thrilled to be playing there for you! Their trip to Scotland will stay in their memories forever!

    Suzi.... sweltering in the heat and humidity today, about 50 miles NW of Chicago.
