Sunday, March 29, 2015
I've spent quite a lot of last week listening to Brahms' German Requiem, which is so beautiful. I didn't know it before one of the choirs I sing in started rehearsing it, but now it's one of my favourite choral pieces. Mind you, this makes it one of my favourite twenty or so choral pieces... my absolute favourite is generally the one I'm learning. But it's very special. We performed it last night - hence the last-week revision - and it was so exhilarating. I love singing in a big choir. The windows rattled in the doom-and-gloom bits! It's wonderful standing in the middle of such a huge sound - even the quiet parts are powerful when 80 people are singing pianissimo.
It does kind of make you think, though - singing about all flesh being like grass. The grass withers and its flowers fall away. Hmm. Yes. He was only in his mid-thirties when he wrote it (well, quite - gosh). His mother had recently died.
So today it was lovely to mess around in the garden with the little ones. It's very difficult to take good photos of Grandson these days. He doesn't stay still long enough. But Granddaughter's reactions aren't so fast and one gets occasional unblurry ones.
Grandson has always liked our little pebble pool.
The garden's becoming more and more colourful as spring burgeons.
Small boys do like playing with a stick.
My other choir is rehearsing Haydn's Nelson Mass and Te Deum, so I need to do some intensive singing along to those CDs in the kitchen for the next few weeks to polish them up. Lucky Mr L.
I love the photos of your Grands! I am so looking forward to our new grandson growing up and being as cuddly and interesting as your little ones!
ReplyDeleteI might know how Mr L will feel. My husband sings in a Barbershop Quartet. I used to enjoy listening to him practice, when he sang Lead (melody). Now he sings Tenor (which you might recognize as counter-tenor, very high) and it is NOT fun to listen to! High and tuneless? sigh... I hope you get to sing the good bits!
Awww, the babies look so cute! Is the little rock fountain new? And wow -- your flowers are so beautiful -- it really IS spring there!!!
ReplyDelete"How does your garden grow?" And your beautiful grandchildren! What joy....And what joy with your choir! A very good life.
ReplyDeleteIf I discover a choral work ... any piece of music , really .... that I really like , I play it endlessly . Husband's deafness is , for once , an advantage , poor man .
ReplyDeleteYour gardeners really are very apealing !
I think all your family is lucky - lucky to have you and lucky to have each other.
Lovely pictures of your gorgeous grandchildren (the garden's looking good, too!). Music has always been a big part of my life. Until now. Just about any classical piece has me in tears (and by tears, I mean full on waterworks) these days. What's that all about?
ReplyDeleteYou and my Mum really ought to meet in person, you have so much in common! x
ReplyDeletehard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom
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