A few days ago, while Grandson was at school, I took Granddaughter L to the museum. We sat at the front of the bus and she drove it. (Not really.)
We had a snack and then she carefully examined the Lego version of the museum, pointing out where all the things in the model are in the actual museum.
Then we went to the Discovery Room. She dressed up as an explorer to look into the cases.
Then she dressed up as a deep sea diver who might be about to go on an Arctic expedition (so was wearing a furry hat).
There's a good view out of the windows.
Then she examined the half-globe which you spin to show how the atmosphere moves more slowly than the earth. I'm not sure that she totally grasped this. Mind you, I'm not sure I do either.
It's such fun to spend time with her, and so easy to have charge of just one child.
Later, she murmured meditatively under her breath, "We're all made out of star dust." This surprised me somewhat. Daughter 1 tells me that there's a video at the museum in which the narrator says this. Evidently it's one of Carl Sagan's sayings. I hope he would be pleased that someone was listening.