Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Colours and scents

It's rained quite a lot over the last few days. I quite like living in a changeable climate - you don't take sunshine for granted - but I do want it to be good weather at the weekend, since I need to plant up hanging baskets and pots with half-hardy plants such as begonias, fuchsias, geraniums. These are irises in my back garden last Saturday. They look an amazing blue colour in this photo, though unfortunately it's not very accurate. They're actually purple. But still very pretty.

These are doronicums - a nice bright splash of yellow.

And dicentras - delicate and pink.

The front garden - forget-me-nots, daffodils with pieris in the background.

Also in the front garden, my crab apple tree. Nice blue sky - not like today.

On my evening walk, I was thinking about lilac and how much I love the scent. The air was full of it from lots of gardens I passed - bliss. Is it my favourite? I think so, though I also really like the smell of hyacinths. And lily of the valley. And roses, of course. Then there's mock orange, the philadelphus.

Baking bread is excellent, too. On the other hand, maybe the best smell of all is clean baby. Yum.

If there's anyone out there, would you like to tell me what your favourite smells are?


  1. Fish and chips!!! But after I've eaten them, I am always bloated, and wish I hadn't :-{

  2. Dear me, you have no soul! I'm a vegetarian but now you mention it... chips... . I did think someone might mention bacon.

  3. Your flowers are beautiful...aren't they a joy to have though? My favorite smells, lets see...the smell of peppermint oil is at the top of the list. And fragrant roses, lathered soap in the shower...and something good cooking.

  4. Wow, you are quite the gardener! I spend all my creative energy in the arena of fibre arts so it's a good thing my husband loves being outside and doing all the gardening.
