Tuesday, December 08, 2009

And the lucky winners are...

I've headed this with a picture of the garden in August to give myself hope that it might ever look like this again. At the moment it's a heap of brown twigs and dead leaves. Horrid.

Here's a list of the commenters who wanted to join in the giveaway.

Here are the numbers to go in the hat...

... and here's Mr Life, looking duly solemn considering the seriousness of his task, about to pull the numbers out of the hat.

Tara! The lucky winners are Thimbleanna (the tree decoration), Loth (the elf) and Lesley (the wreath).
I feel deeply embarrassed, actually, at sending Thimbleanna a little thing to hang on her Christmas tree when I consider that she made me a quilt! But, um. It does come with lots of love, Thimbleanna. Does that make it better?
I know where you are, Thimbleanna; I know approximately where you are, Loth (Edinburgh! - it wasn't a fix, honestly - Mr Life is incorruptible); and Lesley, can you let me know your email address and we can arrange for me to send your valuable prize?


  1. shrieks of misery are heard across Sydney, prompting residents to rush ffro their earplugs in great consternation....


    I will have to find OTHER sources of tree decoration...

  2. Lucky lucky people!

  3. How very exciting! Will the young and dashing SIL be personally delivering my gift? Thank you so much! {waving happily to Mr. Life - Hello Mr. Life!}

  4. Hurrah! Can't wait to introduce Mr Elf to our Christmas Martian. (I promise photos

  5. So sad not to have won the elf! ;) So happy for the winners! :)) Hope your holiday preparation is moving along nicely!
