Sunday, November 14, 2010


Gosh, it's quiet round here with all the offspring scattered. We think about our departed Daughter 2.
The cats consider whether they want to go out into the rain.

They decide that they don't. They're not usually allowed to sit on Linds's lovely quilt but we're too weak to stop them, today.


Sirius. Some people can't tell them apart but this is clearly ridiculous.

Sirius has long legs.

Here he is, having a nap on the quilt again. Bad boy. It contrasts nicely with his black velvet fur, though.
What a long day it's been. And though we've done very little, I'm exhausted.


  1. Well I am very glad those cats are enjoying the quilt! Down here it is FREEZING, so I am off to burrow under a few quilts myself!

    And I am sans children too. I empathise.

  2. It is funny how impervious cats are to the very notion of requiring permission.
    Your house is my house, etcetera.

  3. Leaving a great big hug to start off your Monday. It must be so hard to see her go!

  4. You're so funny. After spending a week with your gorgeous kitties, I just want your readers to know that it's not entirely ridiculous to get them confused LOL!

  5. Hmmm. Our cat isn't allowed into beds either, but a suspect answering his description is often seen trying to camouflage himself in beside the stuffed moles and rats and rhinos on SB's bed!

  6. ... and another yummy cake... with smarties!

  7. Sirius looks like a cartoon with his legs there!

  8. Take heart. Daughter no.2 does have her lucky pants and more importantly so much love from you and Mr Life.

  9. Gorgeous creatures. I'm with them - curling up today!

  10. Mmmmm...lots of eye candy here in the form of Cassie and Sirius! Just love those glossy black kitties.

  11. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Cassie and Sirius - you look like us!
