Saturday, August 24, 2013


There are very few things that give me more pleasure than being in the garden with Grandson - even though he insists that I sit on the grass (which is rather damp) and blow bubbles (using a wand which drips stickily on my legs).

There are lilies whose scent fills the air.

The weather is balmy.

The garden is colourful with the almost-but-not-quite-over-lushness of late summer.

Both daughters are in the sitting room with Granddaughter and Mr Life. Son and Daughter-in-Law have been here today as well.

And Grandson, who has taken on the important duty of bursting all the bubbles that come to rest on the grass, narrates his progress: "Pop! Pop! Pop!" and giggles. He has such lovely little rounded legs and arms.

Every now and then a leaf falls from the cherry tree. But it's August, so winter is a long way off. Or at least, a fairly long way.


  1. Little arms and legs are so gorgeous aren't they? Sounds like a lovely day, and he is obviously feeling better now.

  2. I'm glad to see that everyone is recovering.

  3. You sound wonderful that is.

  4. A very nice late summer day.....or is it early autumn?

  5. It sounds like the very best sort of day!

  6. Another happy post. Any news on Sirius? The Cats haven't featured on your blog since July, and I miss them...

  7. Good, that's how we like to see wee N..... Outside happy and playing and laughing. You too Grandma!

  8. Awwww, it sounds like you've had the perfect day. So happy to see a picture of smiling healthy little grandson. But sad that the occasional leaf is falling, because they'll all be down before we know it....;-(.
