Saturday, August 08, 2015

Progress report

Thank you for your kind comments about my accident. This is my hand and wrist. My face is considerably worse. However, considering that it's a bit less than a week since I did it, I'm a bit better than I thought I would be. Or possibly I'm just getting used to it. Currently the skin is peeling off the affected part of my face - the entire right side - which I suppose is a good thing because the scalded skin was never going to be much use. Unfortunately the new skin is rather red and raw as well. However, I'm sure time will improve it somewhat. Fortunately I wasn't expecting to base my future happiness on my dazzling beauty.

The grandchildren seem to have become entirely accustomed to the new, red and cracked Granny, so maybe I don't look so different after all... . Granddaughter, to add to our joys, fell most of the way downstairs in her house today and had to have a trip to the Sick Children's Hospital. Luckily her main injury seems to be a carpet burn on her chin. Neither of us is therefore looking her best.

These things don't really come in threes, do they?


  1. Poor you and your granddaughter.

  2. I HOPE they don't come in threes! Oh, dear. You did have a lucky escape though because I can't bear the thought of the damage that would have done to your eye. *shiver*

  3. Good to hear you are recovering.....and granddaughter too! Perhaps the third mishap will be very minor - a broken fingernail, maybe?

  4. I am glad you are recovering. What a nasty and scary experience.

  5. You must be feeling so shocked and vulnerable - raw in all senses of the word - especially after the little granddaughter's accident as well. It sounds like you both were lucky and are physically resilient and will be fine, but it will take a while. Hope lots of pampering and receipt of distracting treats is going on. Hugs to both of you, carefully avoiding the injured bits.

  6. Anonymous4:04 pm

    Oh that sounds so painful, both of you. Sending virtual hugs of the gentle kind.

  7. Oh... MY.... WORD !!!! I can only imagine how gut-wrenching that must have been! It makes me cringe just to read about it! THank goodness for clever people and ICE! So glad to see you are on the mend. I would opt-out of carrying large containers of tea from now on.... I don't think anyone from Church would mind..... They will probably all come rushing to your aid to prevent it happening again!

  8. Ooooh, sounds like a nasty accident. Sorry you've been in the wars and I hope your current scaly look is short-lived.

    Lesley xx

  9. Ker - rikey my dear...take it steady please....hope it's clearing up now..x

  10. That looks so sore!! Hope you continue to heal quickly. Glad to hear that your granddaughter at least did not injure herself more seriously - poorest littlest!
