Nothing much happens, though life is quite busy. Homeschooling continued last week. Big Granddaughter, who'll be 8 next month, is among the children who'll go back to school on Monday. She seems to be facing the prospect with equanimity at the moment, though I'm not sure if she'll actually be keen to go when her big brother gets to stay at home.
He says he's never going back to school because it's boring. Alas for him, he will be, though there's no word as to when. I have to say that I found school boring too, but in our day, few concessions were made to making learning fun. But then, is long division ever fun?
I seem to be going through a clumsy phase. Yesterday's highlight was dropping an opened bag of frozen peas on the floor. As someone once said, peas would be easier to deal with if they were square. As it is, they rolled and bounced everywhere. This is but a small selection of the ones that fell nearer me.
We had another viewing for Daughter 2's Edinburgh flat yesterday but I don't think it'll lead anywhere. Unfortunately there are two other flats in the opposite block for sale at the moment. Our viewer had just come from one of the others, which is slightly better (it's on an end, so has an extra window) and is at a lower price - at least, it's on "offers over" while Daughter 2's is currently fixed price. I've just looked on line and that flat is now under offer, I suspect from that viewer - though I'm just guessing. That's good, though, since it takes that one out of the running. The third flat is ridiculously cheap, I presume just to try to get a bidding war. I would assume someone will go for it. So... It's hard to know what to do. There's no real rush to sell Daughter 2's flat but it would be nice to have it sold - though not by accepting a silly price. She needs every penny she can get, to buy a house in London. Sigh. The timing is just so unfortunate - before the pandemic, these flats were regularly selling for more than she's now asking.

We had yet another viewing booked in for today but the chap never showed up. We had a phone number so I phoned him and he said he'd cancelled. No one had told us, though. Maybe he's the mystery offerer for the other flat. Anyway, we stayed on that side of town and went for a walk through Victoria Park, enjoying the crocuses - it's hard to imagine that a week ago they were buried in snow -
and for a few miles along this former railway line, now a cycle/walking track. It was quite busy, despite appearances in this photo: lots of cyclists, runners and walkers.
And that was another week. Boris Johnston is suggesting that in England, people might be able to meet outside in fours by the end of April. Good grief, that doesn't seem much of a concession. This is only February.
One should be counting one's blessings. And one does, a bit. But this is all something of a nightmare.