Sunday, July 30, 2023


The Edinburgh Two are still down south with their other grandparents, and much though I miss them, I quite enjoy knowing that they're safe and happy and don't need anything from us for the moment. We went for a walk along the river on Friday, and had coffee at the gallery half way round. 

And today we went to the Botanics. 

The herbaceous border is in full flower. 

I rather like these pink tasselly things, which according to the label are Sanguisorba Hakusenensis. 

I've at last got back to working on Big Granddaughter's second quilt. I finished the front weeks ago but somehow didn't seem to have a minute to do the back, which I'm piecing together from various bits of fabric. This of course is much more time-consuming than just using a single piece - though it's too big, actually, for a single piece. Of course I'm putting some effort into getting it symmetrical, even though it's the back and she's ten and it's got dragons on it (her request) which I'm sure she won't want when she's ... well, not much older. But I'm enjoying myself. 

In preparation for my hip op, I have to do exercises. A single set takes about 10 minutes and I have to do them four times a day. Will I manage to keep this up? Well, obviously I have to. I also do more tiring exercises with weights (only 3kg, but I do 12 of various lifty things and some other sit-up/leg bend stuff) - these were prescribed by Doctor Son a few years ago, on the slightly depressing grounds that when one's legs give out, it's good to have strong arms to heave oneself about. It's all very time-consuming when one has gardening and quilt-making to do!



  1. Those are beautiful flowers; I would love another walk through the Botanics and a coffee afterward. The exercises sound interesting; I didn't realize that they would be required before your surgery. I wonder if they are here?

  2. I suspect the reasoning behind the pre-op exercises is to make supporting muscles stronger and also to make sure you are as fit as possible before surgery and therefore able to recover more quickly.
    It sounds as if you are having fun with the quilt. I'm sure your granddaughter will be thrilled with it.

  3. Well done for keeping up the exercises!
    You will probably be pleasantly surprised with her quilt..the fact that you made it will be special.
    I made a large cot quilt for my youngest and he looks after it...he is now 34..he requested one for his daughter when she nearly 7..and that is still liked.
    My eldest asked me for a quilt when he was 10...32 years later it is still going strong..if needing a stitch or two here and there!!

  4. Like you, I was given exercises and I followed the rules. All of it pays off those first few days after surgery. You will need the strength in your arms to maneuver. Tomorrow, August 1, will be 3 weeks after surgery. I'm walking with the cane during the day and use the walker at night.....for potty breaks when sleepy. I can now walk without the cane pretty well but the therapist prefers I keep that cane near me 'just in case'. I seem to be making marketable improvement every couple days. I'm so very thankful to be able to take advantage of this great technology. The one thing I purchased that really has helped me is a thigh/hip ice pack. I don't need meds but, after therapy, I appreciate the ice. Also, I've been told there are 2 types of hip replacement. One way you recover extremely quickly but there is a slightly higher chance of infection. The other way is a nice long incision on the rear but a lower chance of infection. My Dr only does the long incision on the rear. Recovery has been easy...once you get through the first 3 days and stop taking the oxycodine. You'll have the same results! Patty McDonald

  5. I might point out that Big Granddaughter has quite similar tastes to me (her mother) so far, and I still like dragons and I'm 43. I have two small ones that live on my dressing table, and LOTS of books about them.

    1. Really? I suppose this may be true. Oh well, good! You can have it if she goes off it!) xxx
