Sunday, September 03, 2023


We've had a quiet week: recovering from the visitors and from their departure; changing beds; doing some gentle local walks; putting away the toys; and tidying the garden. We had the Edinburgh family on Friday, which was lovely. Big Grandson is enjoying high school, which is very good.

One of my choirs started this week, which makes it feel like autumn, though the weather is still warm and summery. We walked to the local park, where most of the flowers are past their best but some are still blooming their hearts out. 

And then we walked home along the river. 

At this stretch of it, it's easy to imagine what it was like hundreds of years ago. There are still trees along the bank and lots of little pebbly beaches. Now there are also houses and traffic within a few hundred yards, though it's peaceful enough strolling along beside the water. Once - not all that long ago really - a hundred years or so or a bit more - it was all fields round here. I would love to be able to time-travel back and see it as it was. 

Today we went up to visit Son and family, which was nice. The children are so sweet. I wish they lived nearer, though.  

And Daughter 2 and family are on holiday in Tenerife. Now, that's a long way away. This is the view from their balcony. 

I still feel melancholy after Daughter 2 and her little one's departure, but next week will be busier with various events and I suppose I'll probably start to feel better. 



  1. What a treat to get to see your children and grandchildren! Even with mine now close, I can never get enough of those sweethearts. You live in a city although your walk makes it look like it's the countryside--absolutely wonderful! I'm happy that Big Grandson is enjoying high school so far.

  2. It's odd how things suddenly seem autumnal - it seems sudden to me, anyway. Each season has its joys.
