Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Getting back to things

It's been an fairly static week with no major projects. I'm progressing, though, and have been out and about a little bit. At the weekend, lovely Daughter 2 came up from London without her little one to visit the (not actually very) sick, which was wonderful. Delightful as Littlest Granddaughter is, she's a bit interrupty. As it was, we had some great chats. Then on Saturday, the Edinburgh Two plus their parents plus the other granny (Nanny), who was visiting them, came over for lunch, and Big Grandson, now several inches taller than me, did some nostalgic Brioing with Daughter 2. Big Grandson enjoyed having his auntie to himself, as in the pre-Littlest days. So that was all very nice. 

On Sunday we drove along to one of the galleries and had coffee, which made a nice change of scene. Normally we would walk there along the river but... not for a while, alas. I went to choir on Sunday night and have been walking round to the nearby shop for the paper the last few mornings, and today I went up on the bus to have lunch with old schoolfriends. So life is slowly returning to normal, though I still feel as if someone has cut a large hole in my right side, and being in bed isn't very comfortable yet. Tomorrow I go to the practice nurse to get my dressing removed. I had it changed last week and that was surprisingly painful - the dressing is VERY sticky and ... well, I won't go into details. I'm just glad I'm not a man with a hairy body. 

My American second cousin heard the story about the needle in my leg and said, "You're a real needlewoman now!" How true.

It's been very wet here so even if I were able to garden, I wouldn't have actually been able to do so. The Great Autumn Cut Down will have to wait till spring, which is a bit frustrating but there we are. Our problems are nothing compared to the awful things going on in the world. It's all so sad and depressing. How can we still be doing these things to one another in this so-called civilised world? 

Meanwhile, onwards and upwards. I'm getting back to the quilting this evening after a period of laziness. 


  1. I have no answer to your question about the world. I would name power, religion, land and ego (mainly male) as major issues throughout time. I'm so happy that you're getting around and doing a few activities; it must feel great to get a change of scenery. Soon you'll be doing back flips and cartwheels! Lovely to see the family too.

  2. I sympathise with your sticking plaster removal problems, but there are "Adhesive Removal Wipes" that make a great deal of difference. I'd ask for them tomorrow - no "demand" them!! I am glad to hear you are recovering - even if it is still frustratingly slow. I was delighted to see Eldest grandson with the Brio out again. I remember when he was little and constructing marvellous things. Seems like yesterday - but Jost look at the size of him!!

  3. It's good to see that you're picking up the threads again.
    The Brio construction looks amazing.

  4. It's so good to hear you are getting back on your feet. Getting out for some fresh air and change of scenery always helps me.

  5. I initially thought Big Grandson in that picture was me (until I spotted my slippers on the right and thought harder about it)! Such a lovely weekend. Let's not cut your other leg off in order to do it again. xxx
