Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ups and downs

On Sunday we went to the Botanics with the Edinburgh family. The children draped themselves over their favourite tree. 

Then on Tuesday we did a recce on another walk for the group. We started in Dunblane Cathedral, where we'd never been. It was built mainly in the 1200s, though the bell tower is 1100s, but it became derelict and only the chancel was used till the main building was restored in the 1800s. 

This is what it looked like pre-restoration. 

I loved this 19th century carving on the ends of the pews. 

Then we set off. 

It was a mainly lovely walk along the Allan Water, though quite near the beginning there was a steep earth bank to climb up, with nothing much to hold on to. However, we had our sticks and managed, so I think the walk will be ok for our friends too. The weather was quite warm, but luckily the walk is mainly through trees. 

We'll be leading the walk in September, which is a pity because the flowers were beautiful - 


ragwort (I think) and willowherb 

and a there was also a certain amount of mud. 

Today (at last) was Littlest Granddaughter's last day at school so she picked flowers from the garden for her teachers. 

And she and Daughter 2 should be here by now, except that their train, and all the other trains going up the east coast, were cancelled because of a fatality, ie a suicide, on the line. Very sad indeed, but also horrendously inconvenient for thousands of people and traumatic for the train driver. 

So they're on their way to Glasgow to spend the night and we'll see them tomorrow. Can't wait!



  1. The carvings are so beautiful - what skill and so easily overlooked.
    The teachers' posies are gorgeous.

  2. Dunblane sounds familiar to me--I wonder if we visited on my tour? I know we were at Stirling. I think I took a photo of every ceiling in that place; they were incredible! So sorry that the visit got delayed by a bit--such a sad reason too.

  3. I've always been awed by the long history and intricate beauty of buildings in Europe. The walk looks like it will be a good one - hopefully some other wildflowers will be blooming.?
