Friday, February 28, 2025

Offspring and snowdrops

Son and family came down at the weekend when Daughter 2 and Littlest Granddaughter were here, and Daughter 1 and family came over too, which was nice. Here are quite a lot of them playing with Lego. The person in blue, sitting on the sofa and bending over, is Big Grandson (13). He is currently rather long-haired. However, he does have beautifully thick hair and is still a lovely boy, though I would prefer that his hair didn't get any longer. 

We also played hide-and-seek in the garden. Here is Small Grandson, hiding (not entirely successfully) on a bench. 

But now, sadly, Daughter 2 and Littlest Granddaughter are back in London, getting trains. 

So Mr Life and I went to an exhibition. I like this painting by James McIntosh Patrick (1907-1998). It's of Stobo Kirk in the Borders. The light and the shadows and the roof shapes are very pleasing. 

Coincidentally, Mr L and I were down near Stobo yesterday, to visit Dawyck Botanic Gardens and to wander among its snowdrops. 

We did this last year too, and I probably took exactly the same photos then. 

There are millions of them. Well, I didn't count them. But certainly tens, if not hundreds, of thousands. 

It was very lovely. Isn't spring just wonderful? 


1 comment:

  1. What fun to have nearly the whole family there! Both older grandsons need haircuts but neither one likes them, especially the 2 year old. Love the snowdrops! I agree that the painting is beautiful; I would hang it in my house. 60+ degrees here with sun so I mowed my lawn for the first time this year.
