I'm not alone in this, mind you. Below is what one student produced in the two-hour slot available to write this piece. He knew he was going to have to write the essay, knew the criteria and was supposed to have thought about it. It's not exactly a long essay, is it? But it does have a certain individual - um - tone.
Our streets are flooded with drugs, we are told. If this is true then society basks on the riverbanks of self-righteousness and misinformation scares those who would benefit from taking a swim. It seems so long ago that my veil was lifted and I married “the high” and began exploring a galaxy of experiences that society would rather I never had the opportunity to have. The majority of my relationship has been forced full of wonderful feelings and paradigm shifting relationships, love, laughter and happiness. But every relationship has its downs. Mine was the day I stumbled across MDPV.
Fairly conclusive proof, I feel, that mind-altering substances do indeed stir the neurons about a bit. Interestingly, maybe. But not necessarily in a way conducive to academic endeavour.
He's a great speller.
ReplyDeleteGood grief, he's like a character from Withnail & I. I wonder if he's fond of the odd Camberwell carrot.
ReplyDelete--This gives me hopes that even I could start a career in English-speaking academia.... :-)
Holy Cow. I hope all 80 weren't like that -- no wonder you're frazzled. I laughed at Sharon's comment though -- he does have spelling going for him LOL!
ReplyDeleteHe does have the knack of catching your attention though, doesn't he? I am now curious to find out what happened after he stumbled across MDPV, whatever that is.
ReplyDeleteTwo hours? oh lord! Eloquent and vivid, though. Not a hopeless case, I'd say.
ReplyDeleteGoing for quality not quantity, perhaps. There's certainly an interesting mind in there.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry I haven't posted on these, earlier! Had a break from reading blogs, since I've been busy. Still reading and thinking of you! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat is it?
Inquiring minds want to know.
You can buy whole books written like this for £8.99 at the bookshops. He has a whole career ahead of him.
ReplyDeleteI hope that was just a draft outline of Chapter 1.....
ReplyDeleteAll those "experiences" he didn`t describe have me interested!
ReplyDeleteI have just found your blog via one in the US. I`m enjoying reading back and hope to visit again.
I have recently taken "early retirement" from teaching English to dyslexic students,so I have met a few late starters like your young man. I wonder if a Mind Map might help him to get some more ideas out? Good luck with his next endeavour!
Worrying too?