So Christmas came and went, very pleasantly. Daughter 2 arrived first and decorated the Christmas cake.
Then my brother, his wife and offspring arrived from down south, and Son-in-Law 2 and Son, Daughter-in-Law and their baby also joined us from up north. Daughter 1, Son-in-Law 1 and their children were also here most of the time, though not sleeping in our house (fortunately, since the house was by then slightly full)
- like this -
and generally speaking, there was a lot going on but it was lovely.
Then Son and DIL and baby went away,

the rest of us went out for various walks
(Granddaughter the Elder had by this time decided that it was TOO WINDY (though in fact it wasn't - she DOESN'T LIKE THE WIND, which is unfortunate since she lives in Edinburgh, which is quite a windy place) - and had returned to the car with her father.)
and Grandson found a Big Waterfall.
Today, Daughter 2 and I went round to Daughter 1's to play with the children while their parents got ready to visit Son-in-Law's family in Worcester; and then they went; and tomorrow, alas alack, Daughter 2 departs back down to London. And then it'll be just us and my brother and his wife. They're staying till the 2nd. And then there will be us two... .
Still. It's been nice.