Monday, March 04, 2013

Ducks and things

Mr Life and I went for a walk this afternoon in Stockbridge. We inspected the flood works on the Water of Leith.

It all looked very complicated and expensive, especially since it's been going on for a couple of years now. There were some ducks which seemed nonplussed by not being able to swim past these plastic barriers. I felt like suggesting that they could fly over them but didn't like to interfere.

This garden was full of snowdrops. I wish they would grow as enthusiastically in my garden. The only place that they do really multiply is in the middle of the hedge.

And as we wandered on I wondered, as I often do, if all cities have these sylvan areas near the centre that the tourists probably never know about.

And that's today's news. There is nothing more significant.


  1. Well, I was a tourist in edinburgh a few years ago and did m research before I went so that I knew and experienced the Water of Leith. It was well worth it! xCathy

  2. Ah but there will be news....patience.

  3. I do so love the Waters of Leith. You really don't feel like you're walking through a city centre.
    Any news yet?
