Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The year of the virus wears on

Well, at last there's some good news about the vaccine, if this can be believed. Not that we'll all be able to get it at once, but if it's going to work, then waiting might not be too bad. Meanwhile, we took the children to Dalkeith Country Park on Sunday. It was beautiful but somewhat drizzly. 

They were undeterred. 

Here, they'd just gone down this tube, which doesn't look fun to me but on the other hand, I haven't got an adventurous spirit and am mildly claustrophobic. 

And then we came home and played with Brio and Duplo. Grandson appears to be reading the paper here, which I don't remember him doing. How I love them. How they raise the spirits. 

And yesterday, Mr L and I climbed Corstorphine Hill in the mist. Just over that fence and down, golfers were playing - we could hear their voices and the tock of golf balls, but it must have been quite hard to a) miss other golfers and b) hit the greens. 

It was atmospheric

and pretty, though a bit depressing to see the leaves that we saw budding and then opening up in lockdown now falling off the trees. That was the year that was. 


they made a fine show. 

The going was pretty muddy, but we reached the bottom without breaking anything, so that was good. 

And my cot quilt is coming on. Stars are very time-consuming, though, especially when one fails to concentrate. Which one sometimes does. 

Mr Trump is still clinging on to his claims of having been robbed of the presidency. I wish I could live long enough to see how history judges him. Also Boris. It's funny how, as children, we were taught about Pitt the Younger and Robert Peel and Disraeli and so on, without any genuine consciousness (on my part anyway) that these were not just names in history books but real people with hopes and dreams and strengths and weakness and self-awareness. Then once you've lived under lots of Prime Ministers who are clearly just human beings, you realise that Robert Walpole and Spencer Perceval and George Canning were too. 

Does age bring wisdom? Not to everybody, judging by the goings-on in the White House. 

1 comment:

  1. I know about Brio from having been there on a Friday, but what is Duplo? What fun to spend the time together! No tube for me either though. I'm also somewhat claustrophobic. I keep telling myself that surely Trump(I won't dignify him with a Mr.) can't get away with this, but he's managed to do so much damage already and still get away with it. I'm very nervous! His mother was from Scotland; perhaps he could come back there and live? ;)
