Sunday, December 29, 2024

Waxing and waning

Well, that was Christmas. I hope that anyone reading this had a lovely time. Ours was busy, but good. Daughter 2 and her husband and Littlest Granddaughter came up from London and my brother, wife and their daughter came up from Cambridge. Here are Littlest and Biggest Granddaughters on a climbing wall before Christmas. 

And here is Littlest playing with her robot dog, which was her main present. We had both daughters and families (12 of us) on Christmas Day, and Son and family came down on Boxing Day (so 16 of us). 

We've done nothing spectacular: eaten a fair bit, talked a lot, gone for some walks - that sort of thing. Here are some of us at the Botanics. See that chap in a blue jacket at the end of the path? That's Biggest Grandson. He's growing fast! Where is that enchanting squashy baby who made me a granny?

Daughter 2 and family left the day before yesterday to go down to Nottingham, where SIL 2's parents live. And Niece left yesterday afternoon. So the party is shrinking, which is sad but peaceful. 

Nearly the end of 2024, then. That was a quick year. Still, we're still alive and well, so we have a lot to be grateful for. 



  1. It sounds like a lovely gathering. Grandchildren do grow, which is sad in a way, but adult grandchildren are great fun, too.

  2. A good gathering of the generations.
    A nice quiet time with eldest here for a few days and meeting up with old friends

  3. I've noticed that Biggest Grandson is much taller! Mr L seems tall though and Grandson's father too. Of course being on the short side, everyone looks tall to me! It sounds like a great holiday--filled with family, conversations and food. Mine was similar except with three busy small ones. Love them dearly though so that was wonderful.

  4. Sounds like a busy Christmas, full of meal preparation and cleaning up! I'm sure your tribe helped with both? We did "immediate family" (son, DIL plus 9 3/4 yo and almost 7) and presents on Christmas Eve, which saved us taking them all the way up the Coast (only an hour's drive) for the Big, Extended Family Christmas Day celebrations (all 22 of us). Both were very happy days. Most (not us!) swam in the river just behind the in-laws' home in the afternoon, and there was a great deal of catching up. The 7 children are all steps and stairs and get on so well so it's a pleasant day. I've taken the family to the Inter-island ferry this morning and we will have a quiet time until they return in a week. "Getting on" means we enjoy both the chaos and the calm!!

    1. 7 grandchildren? So lucky. Sounds like a lovely time.

  5. A classic Christmas to treasure. Now to get through the rest of the winter in good spirits!

  6. Wow -- big grandson looks like one of the men standing way down there. I chuckled at your comment to Virginia about how lucky she is to have 7 grandchildren. I agree with you! But it's all about perspective -- you have 5 which beats my 3. And my 3 make me so happy, especially when I think of at several of my friends who will never have any. They're such a treasure!
