Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sleeping and supervising

Some of us were born to do washing and marking

and others - like Cassie - to supervise.

Better test these socks and things for softness, thinks Sirius.

while Cassie checks out of the window for slugs rushing across the lawn.

Look at those envelopes of scripts behind me, says Sirius. Get on with it and stop disturbing me.


  1. I always maintain that I'm coming back as a cat next time!

  2. Cassie has a proper sense of duty, keeping watch and patrolling the place. I'm glad to see that.

  3. Woohoo! A catlet update! Scruffy wrote them a letter (his annual missive LOL), but it disappeared in my latest website trauma.

  4. I want to be a cat. Especially when there is some sun around. Which there is not down here.

  5. I've got a marking weekend coming up. I hope it rains.

  6. Cats are so good at emphasizing how hard WE work while THEY watch.

  7. Isn't that just typical male behaviour- Cassie does watch duties while Sirius lolls about!

  8. I love the fact that you have TWO black cats. I have one - heavily ensconced on my knee draining the warmth from my body. Black cats are beautiful. Yay you!

  9. I love how cats just *have* to get in the washing basket. Or the box. Or the shopping bag.

  10. Or the puddle of trousers The Boy stepped out of and left on the floor....

  11. Funny isn't it, give a cat its own basket and it seldom bothers, put down a washing/shopping/any other basket and oop, straight in!

    You'll be glad of your hols!
