Thursday, July 01, 2010

Whiskers on kittens

Yesterday I was chatting over coffee to someone who was taking a break from interviewing people for Head of Computing at the college.

One candidate, due for interview at 10 am yesterday, had just phoned up – at 9.50 – to say he couldn’t attend his interview because he was on holiday. But he could, he said hopefully, come along on July 14 if this was any good.

I love to think that there are people walking around on the planet, breathing the same air as the rest of us and presumably able to feed themselves without being reminded, who are still that optimistic. Isn’t it sweet? Doesn’t it make the world seem like it might be a kinder and happier place? With fluffy bunnies. See them hop.


  1. Lovely to think there are still people who ignore all the dire warnings from the media and think they'll get by somehow, isn't it? Yesterday, we had someone spend two intensive hours putting a complicated musical instrument into good playing order (taking time out of his holiday to save us the trip to East Anglia). We'd reckoned on a hefty bill, but in fact he charged the same as the window cleaner who'd come to clean the conservatory roof! The world is definitely a happier place here with a virginals that sounds wonderful again - and the conservatory roof isn't bad either.

  2. He figures if the birds of the air don't have to worry, why should he....I hope he has a wonderful holiday!

    I would like to say that no-one was tortured in the obtaining of your address, but I did have to put a little bit of a squeeze on, but I didn't really hurt her, honest!

  3. I so wish that could be me! no care in the world about anything..just smiling and going along in a happy dream....

  4. He obviously has a very high regard for his worth. And sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.

    I do like the cat photo - and the quilt he's leaving black hair on.

  5. ...but presumably he didn't get given another interview date??... otherwise why have I spent my whole life being neurotic about punctuality, good manners, personal organisation etc etc??

  6. Happy birthday Isabelle, and all the best with the 59 A,B, C or whatever. Bake yourself a cake!

  7. Happy 59a Isabelle! Hope you had a lovely time.....
