Sunday, October 15, 2023


Littlest Granddaughter is now 6 - which is a bit alarming. She had an under-the-sea-themed party - largely so that she and her friends could, if they wished, dress up as mermaids or whatever. Her mum, Daughter 2, is an architect so obviously made a fancy cake and decorated the house appropriately. 

I did use to make fancyish cakes for my children's parties. 

But I didn't go so far as to decorate the house.

Anyway, we weren't there (she's in London) but a good time was had, apparently.

I've been getting on with the cot quilt. I think it needs sashing. It's just lying on a sheet here to test out white for this purpose. I don't know how soon I'll be able to get back to it: cutting out is quite physical. I mean, not like mountaineering; but you need to stand and lean over and so on. 

Talking of cutting, I've been reading the booklet the hospital gives you about the operation. It sounds extremely gruesome. I'm glad I'm not a surgeon, though equally glad that other people are. I hope they don't tell me about it as they go along (one gets an epidural, another thing I've never had, rather than a general anaesthetic). Other times I've been in hospital for unpleasant experiences, I've been given a nice baby at the end of it all. Sadly, I don't think this is going to happen this time.

I'm now going to go and read something more soothing, possibly about gardens. Much more my thing. 


  1. Lovely decorations and cake.
    I hope you and R are both okay after your procedures. Good Luck.

  2. What amazing decorations! They're fabulous. I do hope Daughter2 took lots of videos, as it deserves being part of family history. I'm sure you're apprehensive about your surgery - I certainly would be too. I reckon they will have you full of relaxants, and probably something that means you won't remember a thing about it! 5 years ago I had a ruptured bowel, and there are five whole days I have no memory of. None whatsoever! No pain either. The miracles of modern medicine! Good luck.

    Oh - I love the quilt... have you "auditioned" (ridiculous term) a pale apricot for the slashing? You don't want to overwhelm the blocks, which are light and charming. You are right, you won't be up to crawling around on the floor for some time. That's life, and the quilt will wait. You getting better and feeling like doing it again is much more important. Hope MrLs medical adventures are smooth and successful.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, which would indeed look nice. But I'm trying not to buy any fabric, because... you know... I'll never use it all. And I don't have any apricot because I don't like orange (though put some in this quilt because lovely Thimbleanna gave me some for a different project). I think white is going to have to do.

  3. Lucky little 6-year-old :-) Lovely cake, though it makes my teeth ache looking at it.
    Good luck and quick healing to you both.

  4. Agree with Virginia! A pale apricot would pass quite nicely for ochre, add a little color and play nicely with the yellows.
    Agree about surgeries. It's a good thing we are not conscious

  5. I have only heard good things about aprés hip operations from my various relatives, so I wish the same for you. I’d like a neck replacement but apparently they don’t do those. Has Mr L been watching Gone Fishing? Paul Whitehouse had stents and chats to Bob Mortimer about his quadruple heart by-pass in a light- hearted manner. Look forward to hearing your next instalments.

  6. Excellent cake and decor for the undersea party. Hoping the replacement goes well. I had an epidural and relaxant for knee surgery and fell deeply asleep despite trying to stay awake to observe. It was probably a good thing.

  7. Six years old!! I still think of her as about three. What a beautiful cake; I love the decorations too. Operations scare me but I'm thankful that so much can get fixed these days. In the past people just had to suffer with whatever conditions they had.

  8. Oh -- you're lucky they'll give you an epidural for your hip -- Dr. Son tried to get them to do that for Mom but they wouldn't -- insisted on a general which is WAY less than ideal for one who is 89. Blocks are looking great!!!
