Monday, August 19, 2024

A number of things

Life has been very full and yet I don't seem to have taken many bloggable photos. There's this, though: the splendid and huge agapanthus outside our kitchen window. I believe it's a terrible nuisance in Australia, and indeed I could never manage to dig it up from this flowerbed even if I wanted to, but isn't it beautiful? I'm quite tempted to try to hack a bit of it off and plant it in the back garden, because this enormous clump isn't seen from the street or any other of our windows, which seems a shame, and I would enjoy seeing some of that blue in the back too. 

Small Granddaughter has been trampolining again, this time with Daughter 2 on Friday because Mr L and I were having his Australian cousins to lunch and the rest of the day. Then we did a big shop on Saturday prior to having a meet-up of all of his surviving cousins on his father's side on Sunday - yesterday. There used to be 6 of these cousins plus him, and now there are only three plus him, which is rather sobering. The three that have died were all younger than him, too. However, the cousin and his wife from Australia came back on Sunday, and they, with two other cousins and their husbands, plus most of our lot, came to lunch. It was a lovely day. I find cousins intriguing, having none of my own and thus never having shared my grandparents. Sadly, the Australians - who also came over, when the cousins also all met up at ours, ten years ago - say that this is their last visit. They aren't getting any younger and have some health problems. And we'll never go to Australia. So we'll never meet again, which is quite sad to contemplate, because they're very nice. 

On Friday evening the Australians were keen to see Son-in-Law 2's show, Showstopper The Improvised Musical, so we went to it with them. SIL2 has been with this company for quite a few years and it always comes to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and always does well here. So it was nice to see it with the cousins, who enjoyed it a lot. 


  1. In the photo those flowers look purple although it's probably my eyes. I have many cousins but don't see them or have much of a relationship. Sad really. My Grieve cousins don't even live in Australia! That's a very long way. My cousins are mostly in Washington and Idaho but far enough away that it's not easy to get together. It sounds like you made the best of the visit.

  2. Good to have a get together.
    Agapanthus are a pest in NZ as well. They come in white as well...and the pollen gets my eyes running!!

  3. I love agapanthus and have several plants, in varying shades of blue.
    Your family gatherings sound lots of fun - and work!

  4. I've never heard of agapanthus but its beautiful. I'll have to look for it as I remake my garden.
