Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Well, we had some good times with Littlest Granddaughter. 

And sometimes the Edinburgh cousins came round. 

And lots of old toys came out. 

And of course we went to the Botanics. 

In the sort-of rain. 

But now Daughter 2 and Littlest have gone home to London, and this is very sad. 

Though I did sit in the garden when they'd gone and read my book. Which was nice, in a mournful way. 

Foolishly, I never expected our children to move away from Edinburgh. Of course I should have at least considered that they might. 

I don't know whether this would have helped, though. 


  1. Or maybe you would have moved and they stay.. that's what I did...
    Either way it is sad to live away from them, but at least they have all built their own lives.

  2. At least you're all still on the same island. I envy my eldest daughter - all her family live very close by. Even so, taken all round, all my family are still on the same island, too.

  3. What a nice long visit you've had even though it had to end. Your photos captured the many activities with them. I too, wish my daughter live closer and not 3000 miles away.

    1. 3000 miles!!!! That's a long way.
