Thursday, March 21, 2019

Bustin' out all over

The weeks are flying past, mainly because I'm spending long hours making patchwork stars. You'd think this was very easy - well, it's not exactly intellectual, but it's a tremendous fiddle, requiring frequent adjustments. Each 16-patch with added star takes 2-3 hours (yes, I realise my proper sewing friends could do them much quicker) and there are 20 of them. And I'm now wondering if I need an extra row, which would be another 4. I must be mad... .

Anyway, I visited a friend for coffee the other day. Her flat overlooks the sea and the Forth Bridge - above. She's such a lovely person. Her much-older husband has fairly suddenly become very frail indeed; he's so lucky to have her to look after him.

And it's spring! I slaved away on the garden a couple of weeks ago and got it all tidied up, so it's looking good - showing off all the lovely flowering bulbs. I do love hyacinths. The scent is wonderful, even outside.

There are lots of daffodils, though as ever, some are being nibbled by pesky slugs and snails. Still, I suppose they have to eat too (I try to tell myself).

Luckily they don't eat hyacinths. My we're-all-God's-creatures attitude might not stretch that far.

The trouble with taking photos of the garden is that it makes me notice that the fence looks a bit scruffy.

Grandson: Oh good, we're having Nutella on our pancakes!
Daughter 1: Well, it's chocolate spread. There aren't any nuts in it.
Grandson: Just Ella, then. 

(I thought this was quite a good joke for a 7-year-old.)


  1. That's a great joke! Very clever. I have a few hyacinths, but not as nice as those. I too worked hard in the flower beds for the past two sunny days, and my shoulders are feeling it.

  2. Spring. I am so ready for it. My snowdrops have been blooming for several days. This morning we woke up to snow...Not a huge amount, but enough to stay. Your grandson is quick with his jokes!

  3. Anonymous7:11 pm

    I think it marvellous that N has a penchant for words; that was a sharp observation he made.

  4. I see Edinburgh Fringe in his future.

  5. Answering a question you asked on my blog: RBG is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. She leans more toward liberal interpretations.
