Thursday, November 02, 2023

Getting on with things while I have two working legs

It's been one of those let's-get-on-with-things weeks, during which various (if not enough) useful tasks have been done. Some of these have involved giving stuff to charity shops and having walks in their vicinities. The leaves are beginning to fall, but the colours are still pretty. 

It's been quite wet, but with bursts of sunshine. 

Don't swans grow amazingly quickly from little balls of fluff to these, still slightly brown, large birds? 

I don't like orange but do make an exception for autumn. 

In London, Daughter 2 decorated her windows with Daughter 1's tasteful hand-knitted ghosts,

and took Littlest Granddaughter, aka Very Scary Witch, out guising with some friends. 

Today I went to the station to buy a ticket to Dalmuir, the small town in the west of Scotland where - theoretically at least - I'm getting my hip replacement operation on Saturday. The routine is that you go  to the hotel attached to the big hospital the night before so that you can report for surgery at 7.30 the next morning. Argh. When I asked for a single (ie one-way) to Dalmuir, the ticket chap clearly guessed why I was going and said, "A single? Have you not got much faith in the NHS, then?" 

Mr L is collecting me in the car on Sunday. At least, let's hope. 


  1. Your reprieve didn't last long, then. Hope all goes well and you don't have another postponement.

  2. Those are lovely decorations and I too love the autumn color, especially the orange! :) I will be thinking of you on Saturday and hoping that it goes smoothy with a quick recovery. xoxo

  3. I had my hip replaced exactly one week ago today. I know we are all different but I have to encourage you. This was the easiest thing I've ever had done and would encourage anyone. Of course there is a bit of discomfort but nothing I would call pain. No cane, crutches, walker, opiods. Everyone including me was astounded at what I could do by day 2 and by now, one week out, well, it's incredible. Don't read too much into it, just be happy there will be a new, functioning, pain free end to this. As a note, I've had both of my knees replaced and can guarantee the hip is a piece of cake. AND it was done without an overnight stay in the hospital. They sent me home the same day and all was well. Good luck.

    1. Well, I wouldn't say that it's been that good for me - you must be Superwoman! Pieces of cake are much more pleasant, in my experience! But well done you.

  4. I'll be thinking of you, and wishing you well, and soon home and mobile again.

  5. Blessings for a successful and painless procedure. You'll be back out rambling before you know it.

  6. Oh that’s today then! I hope all is going well and that you will be in fine fettle very soon.
