Oh ye of little faith! – indeed, oh me of little faith too. That very evening both of the catlets starting using the catflap by themselves. The power of teaching by example… And you all laughed. Shame on you.
Sorry not to have been around for a bit: Mr Life and I have just returned from four days in Rome. It was amazing. The Forum! The Colosseum! The traffic! St Peter’s! The Sistine Chapel! The random lumps of Ancient Rome lying around unexpected corners! The Pantheon! Our feet!
I must go and mark now (pain after pleasure) but am looking forward to catching up with all your doings in the next day or two. And I have lots of photos of ruined buildings to share with you. Bet you can’t wait.
Sorry not to have been around for a bit: Mr Life and I have just returned from four days in Rome. It was amazing. The Forum! The Colosseum! The traffic! St Peter’s! The Sistine Chapel! The random lumps of Ancient Rome lying around unexpected corners! The Pantheon! Our feet!
I must go and mark now (pain after pleasure) but am looking forward to catching up with all your doings in the next day or two. And I have lots of photos of ruined buildings to share with you. Bet you can’t wait.
And the food! We must have a report about the wonderful Italian food.
You have given me a much needed laugh this morning Isabelle!
ReplyDelete'Random lumps lying about'
Looking forward to seeing more photos. Yes - I'm another one that would also love to hear about the food!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait, actually. I was there in '99 and wish I could go back. We Americans have nothing to compare with Rome, IMHO. Everywhere you turn, there are bits of architecture and history that are literally a couple of thousand years old.
ReplyDeleteI am greatly looking forward to your photos and stories.
Wow - that would have been a fanatstic trip - looking forward to the photos and trip report (and the food too) please. Didn't comment at the time but had a wee smile about the leading by example for the cat flap so just had another smile to hear that it worked! Good for you.
ReplyDeleteRome??? You went to Rome??? How exciting! You're absolutely right -- we can't wait to hear the tale. And after that, when you get time, I'm given you one of those nasty tags. (Which you may feel free to ignore if you're so inclined! ;-) )
ReplyDeleteRome? Sounds very appealing to me right now... I bet it wasn't as freezing cold as it is here! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd who, pray, nurtured the little catlets whie you were off gallivanting in the ruins of Rome?
ReplyDeleteThe last time I was in Rome, some 40 odd years ago on my honeymoon, we watched a "cat lady" feeding well over 100 feral catlets at the Colliseum. It was quite a sight. The woman was quite old so I'm sure she is gone now, but wonder if cats still roam the area.
ReplyDeleteDid you keep that quiet, that you were off to Italy? Or did I miss that part in your last blog?
ReplyDeleteLike the others, some tantalising info about delish Italian meals would be wonderful!
Hi Isabelle! Thanks for visiting and saying hello. I've had quite a few chuckles reading your last several posts and have enjoyed seeing your lovely pictures of family and cats. Those catlets are the cutest...and sheepcat is huge...good thing he's a pacifist :)
ReplyDeleteLucky you to have just spent some time in Rome! Hoow wonderful that must've been. A friend of ours just came back from Italy and we spent 3 hours in front of my computer looking at her pictures. Oh my!
You write beautifully and with such a great sense of humour :)
You went to Rome? Lucky you! Looking forward to more pics.