On Tuesdays, I'm at college till 9 at night because I teach an evening class. So I emerged after the class into the darkness of our poorly-lit car park, approached the car from behind, got in, drove home, parked in the driveway and went into the house. The next morning I took the bus to work and walked home. It was only then, on arriving at the front door, that I noticed that someone had bashed and broken a huge hole in the front bumper - and it had to have happened at work. That grey squarish thing you can see inside the car through the hole is a tank of some sort - petrol? Or water? I know nothing about cars but I don't like being able to see the innards of them without lifting the bonnet.
Did the basher leave a little confessional note? Alas, no.
We were rather fed up, as you can imagine, especially when my husband found out on the internet that the car - which is admittedly nine years old, but it goes all right, dash it - is worth only £5oo. So repairing it didn't seem an option, but then neither did driving a car with bits falling off it. And we haven't really been budgeting for a new car.
At work, I sent round a not very hopeful email asking if anyone had seen anything and then went off to teach, grumbling about the human race.
Meanwhile, unknown to me, our facilities manager, who is a trained motor mechanic, read the email and went and found my car in our (large) car park. He inspected it, phoned a garage in the Border country and established that they could supply a second hand bumper and then came to see me to say that the college would get it for me and the motor vehicle department would spray it black, fit it, and touch up the rest of the scrapes all free of charge.
I was so touched. I like the human race again!
(I phoned my husband to tell him the good news and he pointed out that the back bumper has a minor crack from some earlier occasion when someone - can't imagine who - had backed gently into a bollard. But we felt that asking if they could find us a back bumper too might be pressing our luck a tiny bit...)