Friday, July 01, 2011

Endings and beginnings

It was a nice sunny day as I walked from the car park towards the main building, glancing across at the sports department.

Up the steps and through the revolving doors for my last day at work.

Up the stairs.

The door of the workroom, with my name on it, among those of my colleagues. Later in the day, I made a new notice, without my name, for the first day back in August.

Some of the stuff on the filing cabinets is mine, mid-clear. Most of it isn't.

Here's my desk, almost ready for me to leave it. My colleague is going to have it next semester because it's beside the window.

She's in Zambia at the moment, on the Book Bus. Do check out her blog -

Then my colleagues and I came home and had lunch here.

And now I'm retired. Gosh.


  1. A new journey begins. Enjoy!

  2. it feels weird, huh?

    and, maybe, a bit anti-climactic ... well - it was for me, anyway, on my last day...

  3. Oh, you lucky, lucky girl! I know there will be days when you miss work, but I'm sure the good times will outweigh those. Now. Is Isobel the way you spell your name at work? ;-D

  4. Congratulations! You'll enjoy it. It's the next chapter of your life and anything is possible.

  5. WOW.
    I know you will enjoy it...

  6. The best years of your life are about to start.....

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now you'll have oodles of time to post! 8-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I felt that way when I left school. New beginning, a bit scary. But worth it. Good luck in your new life.

  10. I am SO jealous. And now the government wants me to teach until I'm 103, I'm going to be jealous for a very long time. Sorry I've missed the build-up to your retirement (the GCSE marking interrupted play) but I'm glad I'm here to say congratulations, you jammy wotsit.

  11. Here you go on the next chapter! with freedom and excitement at what may happen...enjoy....
    ps jealous is not a good enough word to describe how I feel....I might make up a new one..........

  12. Oh , you lucky , LUCKY woman !!
    I've just spent the morning with 101 pre-schoolers at full throttle in a city farm and defy anyone to say work keeps them young.
    Enjoy every peaceful adult moment !

  13. Congratulations on joining the happy retirees club! My 69 year old hubby has decided not to retire, and went back to work today. His excuse was that the bills keep coming in. I hate to admit responsibility for a lot of those bills since I quit work!

  14. I hope very much that you will enjoy this new part of your life tremendously!

  15. Monday: the first day of the rest of this life. Happy retirement!

  16. Sorry I'm late in coming on to say this (getting sunburnt in the Corbies garden all weekend), but HURRAY! Now get that new retirement timetable worked out.

  17. Congratulations! Hope you will have time to do some things just for you and only you :)
