Wednesday, October 02, 2013


The autumn has been beautifully mild so far. This is Princes Street Gardens yesterday, snapped very quickly because my bus was coming.

I don't think my photography would win any prizes. I was trying to get the Castle looming through the leaves but the camera has helpfully focused on the railing spikes. Still, the colours are prettying up in seasonal fashion.

Here's Granddaughter this morning, stopping mid-foot-chew to beam me a lovely smile.

And Grandson paused for a second from his playing to pose for me. He knows all his colours now as well as his numbers from 1-9. I would have expected the colours to come first but they didn't. Daughter 1 knew her letters at this age but I don't remember her being so interested in numbers. It's funny what children decide to specialise in and it doesn't really have much significance in the long run. After a while all the other children can also read or count or hop on one leg or sing or whatever.

Mind you, the other day I turned on the car radio to hear a piece of orchestral music that sounded vaguely Mozartian but less striking. It was pleasant enough, though unfamiliar. I listened at the end to find out what it was. It turned out to be Mozart's first symphony, written at the age of eight. I myself am struggling a bit with Grade 3 piano theory at the age of sixty-three.


  1. You're doing better than I am.......I have never tried music theory at all, and I'm a wee bit older! Love your autumn colours, we're heading into summer here but I am looking forward to autumn again. Your little granddaughter is the smileyest baby I have seen for a long time!

  2. Has grandson suddenly got his real boy face, or have I been away too long? My goodness, look at that young man. His sister definitely has the world's most engaging smile! My younger son turned nine yesterday so there's an achievement he'll not be putting on his CV!

  3. How nice to see the Gardens - is the clock still there? Do hope so. Gorgeous weather here and some lovely leaves. Blimey, Isabelle, doing piano as an adult is pretty impressive to me!

  4. I've been away for a bit, and gosh, hasn't Grandson grown up? And Grand-daughter too - always nice to have a foot to chew on!

  5. I love the enthusiastic smiles of your granddaughter! She is going to be Miss Personality, I think!

  6. It looks as though your granddaughter is going to be as happy and sunny as her brother.
    Mozart is what I play after I've struggled with other music, he and I have "clicked", I'll never feel that way about Bach!

  7. You are always so funny! It sounds to me like you're doing amazingly with your piano lessons. You're already at Grade 3 -- and you haven't been taking for 3 years (have you? or did time fly by?)

    Little Grandson is getting SO big. He's looking like a big boy now. And isn't little granddaughter entering a fun age -- always smiling!
