Sunday, January 17, 2016

How not to be bored

Life is busy but not, never, boring. The other day we took the little ones to the Botanics, always one of my favourite ways of spending time. The sun shone.

Grandson played with sticks and admired "his" tree.

It used to be no. 17 Tree, but since his family has moved house it's become no.21 Tree. It has (according to him) front and back doors, front and back gardens, stairs, a television and a bed. What more could a boy want?

Yesterday we had an outing with our walking group, passing Peffermill House (above). It's famous for the story of Half-Hangit Maggie, who, having been hanged in 1724 for giving birth illegitimately and concealing the birth (and possibly killing the baby) was brought here in her coffin. There was a tavern in the grounds of the house; and while the men who were transporting the coffin to the graveyard were having refreshments there, she woke up and banged on the coffin lid. She was let out and, judged to have paid the penalty of the law, was allowed to go free.

Then we tramped past the ruins of Craigmillar Castle, one of the residences of Mary Queen of Scots. She had ultimately less luck than Maggie, poor soul.

And today we had the family. We played Snakes and Ladders and Granddaughter played with a dice. Or, if you like, a die, but no one really calls it that any more. Son-in-Law 1 suggested that it should be a douse, by analogy with mouse, which does seem an attractive idea. And now I must go to choir.


  1. I want to live where you do! It is -16C here today and windy, so it feels much colder. I will not go out! You have such beautiful places to walk! I need to look for good walking sites around here.... in a couple of months....

  2. Anonymous7:51 pm

    This sounds like a delightful way to spend your time.

  3. Douse is a great suggestion because die to dice makes NO sense at all. Love the history!I was Maggie in college and have lots of Margarets in the Scottish part of my family tree. There were even several named Margaret Grieve. :)

  4. It's so much more fun for me to read about your walks at the Botanics now that I've actually been there! I love that Grandson and Granddaughter are so imaginative -- I know it keeps you all on your toes LOL. And of course your wonderful walks. Thanks for always sharing them with those of us who are prime-walk-location deprived!

  5. What a well designed tree-house. I'd be happy to stay there (in the summer and if he can find room for a kitchen).

  6. Your grandchildren are growing up so quickly. Lovely to see them again!

    Isn`t it fun to share the world of a child`s imagination?

  7. I hope it remains Grandson's personal tree for the rest of his life (and maybe even becomes Dad's or Grandad's tree in the future)!

    Lesley xx
