Saturday, April 22, 2023


Most, though not all, of the daffodils are over but the tulips are coming into their own. It's been beautiful weather here, so I've been enjoying tidying the garden, though alas my arthritic hip has not. Still, onwards and upwards. 

This is brunnera - it lasts so long and is a beautiful blue.

More tulips. 

Today we walked to the Botanics, admiring this beautiful blossom on the way. Coincidentally, I've just been browsing the internet, as one does, discovering that the house belonging to this tree, which is about five minutes from our house, is for sale for £5 million pounds. Of course, interestingly, one can see inside it, on the particulars. Sadly I don't think we'll be buying it. It's very beautiful, with an acre of garden (which we visited last year under the Scotland's Gardens scheme). But it's a bit big for our retirement. Also slightly (vastly) beyond our budget.... There are lots of very posh houses not too far away from us - and no, we don't own one - but I hadn't thought that any houses in Edinburgh were worth £5 million. Astonishing. 

There are still some daffodils at the Botanics.

But it's mainly the rhododendron season. 

And very...


By the time we'd got home, it had dulled down and become rather chilly. This is a pity, since we're having lovely American cousins to stay next week. And the weather forecast isn't promising. Sigh.



  1. I have one tulip exactly like those in your first photo! I have many more blooming (finally) with some warmer and less rainy weather. The rhodies are coming on too although mine is a very late bloomer. We've had guests come from Australia and Iowa and Mt. Rainier hasn't been out for their WHOLE VISIT. Very frustrating. At least we live in beautiful places no matter what the weather.

  2. The company will be lovely, no matter what the weather does.
