Thursday, January 04, 2024

Happy 2024!

Well, we made it. By December 27 2023, we'd been married for 50 years. This has passed alarmingly fast. 

When the actual day dawned, none of our family could be with us, having Christmassed with their in-laws (but sent flowers and chocolates), so we'd decided to have a Jane-Austenish "At Home", inviting friends and neighbours to pop in for a drink and a piece of cake between 2 and 6. We didn't put RSVP on the invitations because we didn't want to make it like a formal party; also we didn't want people to feel committed in advance, the time of year being what it is. Some did reply but on the whole we had little idea how many would come. Obviously we did provide a bit more than cake. However, lots of people did come, and didn't just "pop", as we'd expected, but came and sat around and chatted. It was lovely, and also quite crowded! But fortunately we have lot of chairs. 

Then shortly after the last of those people left, my brother, sister-in-law and niece arrived, and shortly after them our second daughter with her husband and Littlest Granddaughter. 

On the 30th, by which time Daughter 1 and family had returned from down south and Son and family could also join us, we had a family lunch in a private room in a hotel - which was also very nice. The offspring had organised their children into matching clothes - a starry dress for the girls (10, 7 and 6) and matching jumpers (sweaters) for the boys (12 and 4). I have very cute photos! But they're unbloggable, because the photos contain The UnBloggables. 

And then we all came back here (except Niece and SIL 2, who had to return down south) and had a second Christmas for those who hadn't been here. 

We've thus had 10 people (plus Mr L and me) staying in the house, though no more than 8 (plus us) at one time. It was busy, but lovely. But the last four left on Tuesday, the bedding and towels are now washed, though the beds have not yet been remade, and the house is gradually returning to normal - or at least it will once we've deChristmassed it, which would happen today if I had time, which I don't. This weekend, however, everything will be away and we'll be tidy for a while.

My golden wedding present from Mr L? (We have enough stuff.) He shaved off his lockdown beard! He knew that I prefer his face beardless. (I do like his face in whatever form, so he's allowed to grow it again if he really wants.)

Happy 2024!


  1. Many congratulations! It's quite a shock to realise how many years have passed. It seems like no time at all when you're living it.

  2. Happy Anniversary! We are there in April. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with friends AND family. Congratulations.

  3. Oh Yay! I've been waiting for this post to see how it all went! As I read along, I kept thinking -- pictures! I hope you got great pictures. I wish I lived close -- would definitely have popped by -- it sounds like it was wonderful! Congratulations on 50 -- on to the next 50!!!

  4. I liked Mr L's beard too--probably because I have a special bearded guy in my life. Happy Golden Anniversary! It sounds perfect--just enough fuss and surrounded by loved ones.

  5. Congratulations. Like us you married at a busy time of year. Ours was on the 23rd and it's number was 56.
    I think the males change more in appearance than the females. I wish you many more happy years.

  6. Congratulations - 50 congratulations ! That is a very significant milestone and I'm glad you celebrated both with friends and with family. We are approaching 48, and sometime it seems like 1976 was just yesterday, and other times I simply can't imagine a life without the Other Half in it. We are fortunate to have many friends whose marriages have also lasted the distance, and fortunately very few who have been "separated by death" so far. Was it sensible choices of partners? Was it that we were almost all 'religious'? Was it that we were all well educated, with similar levels of education? Was it that society's expectations were more aligned with staying together and working things out? I have no idea. Have you?

    1. No - we're the same really. Very few of our friends are divorced, though a few widowed. So lucky!
