Thursday, January 11, 2024

It's January - no one (in Britain)'s favourite month, I expect - but the days are getting longer. We went for our first walk in the Botanics since I had my hip operation and it went fine. What would life be without walking in the Botanics? In the first weeks after the op, my operated leg felt quite tired - a strange sensation, one leg being tired when the other wasn't. However, we've gradually been lengthening our walks and I feel fairly back to normal now, if not particularly fit because of not having walked enough over the Christmas/New Year/Golden Wedding shindig time. 

The sunshine did the heart good. 

And look - flowers.

On Sunday, Grandson and I went on another bus trip. It's his idea of a good way to spend an afternoon, and he's not going anywhere much by himself yet so it's a fine excuse to spend time with him. He's nearly 12 and a half, and who knows how much longer his Granny will be a desired companion? I'm making the most of it, anyway. We got a bus to the airport, another (Stagecoach 747, new to him and thus interesting) to near South Queensferry. 

We walked down to the village past an intriguing traffic light (not on, so what was it for on a very quiet, nay completely empty, road?) and had a fortifying snack (well, he did. I've eaten too much recently...). Look at him with his hand on his chin, looking mystified for my photo. 

Then we got another bus to Dalmeny Station, took the train back to Edinburgh and a bus to our house. Such a nice afternoon with a lovely boy! I shall remember these days when I'm decrepit and he doesn't need me any more. Meanwhile - I look forward to further such outings. It's SO nice to be a granny. 


  1. What a wonderful outing! We do what we can to be part of their lives and that means trains, buses, etc. I'll be going to a big train show with my oldest grandson in a couple weeks. I do like trains but going to a show wouldn't be my first choice. I'm so glad that your new hip is doing well and allowing you to walk again. Without pain, I hope!

  2. He may not 'need''you anymore when he's grown and flown but he will still love and appreciate you. My adult grandchildren bring me much pleasure and a fresh outlook on life.

  3. What a pleasure it must be to see flowers growing in January. Your trips with grandson seem a nice way to share his transport enthusiasm. You will always be important to him especially when you spend this time with him - he'll treasure the memories.

  4. He will remember what you did for and with him, too.
