Monday, January 27, 2025

Big wind

Well, spring is springing here, or at least the end (ish) of winter is being a bit flowery. Most things are still pretty dormant, but you can always find something colourful at the Botanics. 

Azalias or

skimmias or

witch hazel or 

just a little robin. Traditionally, robins here are known as robin redbreasts, but their breasts are really orange. We didn't have a separate word for orange (as opposed to red) until actual oranges arrived here, and their name then got made into an adjective. So this is really a robin orangebreast. Doesn't have quite the same ring. But Christmas cards tend to have robins with red tummies, such is the power of language versus observation. 

I've started to cut out a quilt. It's to be a rainbowish one, so against all my principles I'm going to have to use some orange fabrics. I have to admit that Richard Of York Gave Battle in Vain. 

We've had a Big Wind, Storm Eowyn, which has done a lot of damage, though thankfully not to our house or garden. This happened on the path beside the golf course (apologies for the blurry photo) but, much more seriously...

this happened in the Botanics: its tallest tree, with 14 others, was damaged beyond remedy.  

This is what it used to look like - the tree right at the bottom of this path. Very sad. But worse things, much worse things, are happening in the world. 


  1. That was quite a storm to take such large trees down. Glad your home was spared. So many flowers already? We are still a frozen landscape here, with temps rarely going above the freezing point.

  2. Sad to see such a grand tree reduced, but no-one died.

  3. I'm with Maureen and shocked at the flowers. There are none here. Even my cylamen haven't made it through our last week of 20s at night. :( It seems like our robins have a rusty orange (close to red) breast. I wonder if there is a difference in bird colors?

    1. American robins are a different species, not related to European robins, surprisingly enough. They were named that because of their similar coloration, though.

  4. I'm relieved you got through without damage at your house. Between wind and snow, friends further north took a real hammering. Meanwhile there are fires in California and man-made catastrophes in the Middle East! (And, yes, I used "man" deliberately!) Sigh.

    Your dislike of orange is common. When we were doing our City & Guilds, one of the workshops we all did together was screen-printing and combining colours in odd combinations. One of our group hated orange, she reckoned she'd never, never use it. Well, she pulled some orange a blue screens and fell in love! Some of her best pieces thereafter were oranges and a range of blues. They really "popped" . I hope you get to enjoy it too!

  5. oh no those poor trees! we heard about your storm, sounds like a scary time ... I just checked where I get my blog printed and they went out of business in May 2024!!! I used blog2print, and I'm very sad that they've gone because I could squash up all the posts and it wasn't too crazy. I will have to do more research.

  6. Oh No! How sad about the trees in the Botanics! I read Virginia's comment with interest -- as much as you love blue, perhaps you, too, will learn to love orange? They do make a pretty combination.
