Sunday, January 12, 2025


Nothing much is happening here. Well, unless you'd like to know about the new(ish) car we bought recently, which is supposedly very clever and is automatic and is thus (in my opinion) much harder to drive than our previous, manual one. Anyway, we tried to go to church in it this morning and the car WOULDN'T OPEN - you remember what cars with keys were like? - yes, quite. Anyway, a chap from the AA (Automobile Association, not Alcoholics Anonymous) came after some hours, and got it open. He has a theory about the battery being drained because .... something like... it was attached to our wifi. Not by us, it wasn't. Things can be too clever, in my opinion. 

Deep breath. Yesterday we went for a walk down through another bit of the New Town,

to what is now one of the modern art galleries. We're not huge fans of (some) modern art but it has a good cafe. This building used to be an orphanage - it's a beautiful building but I imagine it was a somewhat forbidding sight for the poor little mites who got taken there from their presumably humbler homes. 

Here's the cafe. We warmed ourselves up there. 

And outside again, here, over the impressive curlicue on the wall, you can see allotments and then the other modern art gallery (also with good cafe). That gallery used to be a school. 

Here are the allotments. We haven't had snow but it's been very frosty all week. No one was working on the allotments. Wisely. 

Then we walked through the grounds of the second gallery,

down to the river and along the path towards home. 

When we got to the park, there were two swans and lots of ducks finding something good to eat on the river bed. I'm glad I'm not a duck. 

It's supposed to get much warmer this week. 

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