Thursday, September 15, 2022

What's happening in the autumn sunshine

Well, the Queen has been getting around - rather too much, some might say, though clearly the ritual of it all is thought important by many people. Here, her coffin is brought up the Royal Mile from Holyrood Palace to St Giles High Kirk, with her children - all in their sixties and seventies - walking up behind the hearse. Just as well they're all quite fit - it's only a mile, but it's uphill and they're being watched and endlessly photographed by thousands of people. 

And then there was a service in St Giles, with lots of fancy uniforms, before she lay in state for a day. 35,000 people are said to have filed past the coffin. That's a lot of people, waiting a lot of hours in a long queue. I don't really get it. She was a good egg. She was very dutiful. It's sad for her family that she died. But all that those people saw was a flag draped over a box. 

Meanwhile the centre of Edinburgh ground to a halt, so we had a walk along the river

and I admired the late summer in the garden.

The weather has been beautiful. 

Then the next day, she was taken down to London for much the same again. As I write, people are queueing for up to 9 hours in London to view a different flag draped over a box. 

Daughter 2 took Littlest Granddaughter to London Zoo yesterday and today Littlest G went to school! And she was born only yesterday! Everything changes. 



  1. Already in school! Our weather has been beautiful too--now in the comfortable temperature range. I suppose that people want to feel part of history by viewing the coffin. Personally, I wouldn't wait in such a long line/queue for that--or much of anything for that matter.

  2. Well the Brits certainly know how to do pomp and circumstance! May HRH rest in peace.....
    Late summer in your garden is as pretty as all the other seasons there!
    (Figured out my "goofle" problem!)

  3. literally yesterday! what is going on, time is speeding up ridiculously. Don't tell me it keeps getting faster, I couldn't cope.

  4. It WAS yesterday and I was just cleaning through e-mails yesterday and ran across the one announcing her birth. What happened??? I feel the same way about our babies -- they're growing MUCH too quickly.

    As always, you've made me laugh with your assessment of the queen's happenings. You're much to practical for the lot of us!

  5. I do hope you are both well, and off doing something enjoyable - a ten day absence is a bit worrying!!
