Thursday, August 04, 2011

Mislaying one's head

Am exhausted with various minor tasks and crises. Am beginning to think longingly of a nice desk with some nice simple marking on it and some nice cheery students to teach.

Still, I did manage to pop into Daughter 1's to have a little fix of Grandson. I don't know why the room seems to be at a very severe angle. What can I say? Art photography.

While Daughter 1 and her son admired each other, SIL (you can see him in the background) wrote thank-you notes for baby presents. He's a New Man. He also tidies, does washing, shops, cooks etc. He's impressive.


  1. Baby has grown! He looks adorable.

  2. Adorable creatures, your daughter and her son! I got myself one of those New Men, too. It's quite nice to have him around. I'm hoping that any crises you might encounter will be resolved quickly and painlessly!

  3. Retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. Look after yourself, as well as everyone else.

  4. Thank you for posting pictures for those of us who need a baby fix too! That's a perfect picture for those first few weeks of new baby. Hang in there -- I hope you'll be loving that new schedule soon.

  5. Might the angle be something to do with the fact that you were focussing entirely on the foreground and completely ignoring the bookshelves??? Understandably???

  6. What a beautiful pic of Mother and Son. Adoring seems the correct term.
