Thursday, June 04, 2020

Lockdown week 11 - Thursday

Foxgloves seed themselves in the garden and I often allow them to grow, because they're pretty and not really invasive. They go nicely with lupins.

Some are pink and some white.

We climbed Corstophine Hill today, going up the path between the two halves of Murrayfield Golf Course. 

This is what it looked like at the beginning of lockdown. This illustrates the length of time since we last saw two of our children and three of our grandchildren. What a change. 

I looked over the wall to see the golfers on our - no, no, really their - course.

I went through the gate briefly to look down at my little crossroads.

Then we climbed up to the highest part of this side of the hill. There are more golfers, looking so tiny far below.

At this point we met some friends and had a chat. This was so nice!

And then we descended the other side of the hill. See this oak tree?

This is what it looked like at the beginning of lockdown. I fear that it may be losing its leaves again before the end of it. 

But the campion is beautiful here.

And it's nice looking over at the hills.

And the foxgloves here are much better than in my garden! They're all over the hill at the moment. So pretty.

And 39 years ago, Daughter 2 and I were doing this. Happy birthday, my darling girl. Wish you were here. I was nearly 31, younger than she is now, which is a strange thought. (I still have that sponge bag... .)


  1. You sound as discouraged as I am. I'm tired of not seeing people and giving/getting hugs. I see many of those purple foxgloves on my walk, but never knew what they were. Is is a flower or a weed? What a beautiful photo of you with Daughter 2!You look 15. :) Happy Birthday to her!

  2. Those comparison photographs of nature's change really make a statement about the duration of the lock down. Good that you have captured a bit of it for posterity.

    Happy Birthday, Daughter2!
