Monday, May 04, 2020

Lockdown week 7 (groan) - Monday

A quick post here, since it's 11 minutes to midnight and I'll miss today if I'm not quick. Not that there's anything exciting to report. We printed lots of recent, WhatsApped photos of the grandchildren to update our fridge and freezer. I do love them all so much.

It had been dull in the morning but when we set off for our walk after lunch, the sun was beginning to break through.

There were lovely skies above the golf course.

The hawthorn is out - so pretty, so prickly.

Almost all the trees have greened up now. How quickly it's all happened, everything rushing into leaf. Nature doesn't care what a mess we humans have got ourselves into. Only 2 and a half miles today.

I've nearly finished quilting Small Grandson's cot quilt. I wish we could see him. He really doesn't know us at all - I mean, he saw us every three weeks or so up till the lockdown, but he's lived for such a short time that this isn't very often really. He's about to be 1! Alas, we won't see him before then. Still, I hope we'll survive long enough for him to have some memories of us. And now it's four minutes to midnight so... I'm off.


  1. Your refrigerator photos are so nicely organized! I need to work on mine. Our weather is getting beautiful too and everything is green. I would love this time of year, know. :(

  2. Hawthorn is out here as well. I love your photo collection. What a good idea to print some off from WhatsApp. I know just how you are feeling about missing our young ones.

  3. You are fortunate to have a printer that prints photos that look like photos. If I try to print out a photo, I get something that looks like a zebra dropped acid.

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