My 100,000th visitor seems to have visited from Mountain View, California at 4.53 am our time, which is 8.53 pm (or possibly one hour different from that) California time. She - as far as I'm aware, most visitors are women, though I suppose I'm judging only by the commenters - arrived on a post entitled "Why I feel a bit weary" and left on one called "Lifting mine eyes" which is about being depressed.
So it looks as if she wasn't really looking for my blog but was looking for a co-tired person... and possibly will never read it again. In which case, I'm waving to her in vain. Ah well. Hello, on the off chance that you might be reading this.
Not, of course, that she's the 100,000th
person to read my blog; only the presser of the 100,000th click on it.
Still, it is fairly mindblowing, this blogging thing. I love the idea of all this communication going on, even if some of it is unintentional.
(And just in case you didn't work out that picture, Vladimir Putin was on a Ritz biscuit, and the next line of the song at the top is "Puttin' on the Ritz". Yes, feel free to groan.)