Thursday, February 23, 2012

Alien cat

Mr Life and I were talking on the phone to Daughter 2 in London the other day, when Sirius went and sat beside this little wooden cat, looking cute. I took a photo of him on my mobile phone to send to Daughter 2. It didn't really come out very well. He looks as if he's seriously in the huff with the little wooden cat, which I'd swear doesn't usually look that doleful.
Still, Mr Life's photo was considerably worse.
I was out with friends for a meal tonight - all female ex-colleagues. We meet up on the last Thursday of every month. Tonight the conversation was rather too focused on fibroids, in my opinion. Such a discussion doesn't really add to one's appreciation of food. We did drift on to talk of arthritis in the end, which was a slight improvement.


  1. I think the eyes have it.

  2. He really does look like an alien!

  3. Ooh that's spooky, my mother and I commented at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME

  4. I think the eyes have it.

  5. It is quite spooky - just noticed the same things. Hi, sweetie! I don't know how come my comment appeared twice, though.

  6. Insomnia? Did you cover that? I think you alien cat might go viral.

  7. Sorry left the 'r' off 'your'. That would be the insomnia.

  8. your cat is scaring me. go back to taking pics of baby. thank you.

  9. Sirius has laser beam eyes!

  10. Set phasers on stun! Fire at will!

  11. OMG! We have a black cat, and he sits right up next to our wooden carved cat statue too! I must get a photo of it and show you... too funny!

  12. You always say you get most comments when you blog about the cats - though I'm thinking gorgeous grandson might be overtaking them by now :)
    I don't think I have a single picture of my (dear departed) cat where she doesn't look annoyed, offended or just plain miserable and yet she was a happy, purry and very pretty cat. She didn't have spooky alien eyes though!

  13. He does look a bit huffy in the first one....and spooky in the next! Bet seeing your ex colleagues didn't make you miss work did it? and why would you with a gorgeous grandson to have fun with.

  14. I can't believe how much my Sirius looks like your SIrius! He has that miffed look too.

  15. Grinning at the cat photos; I had a few of our black Topsy with her eyes spitting green fire!
    Fibroids and arthritis...well what do you expect ladies in our age group to be discussing? If one doesn't have grandchildren, it has to be one's health! (I'm joking, but my friends and I do spent a lot more time these days discussing our health issues...)
