Thursday, December 22, 2011

An elephant joins Rudolph

I'm having great difficulty getting myself into a Christmassy mood.

Daughter 1, SIL 1 and Grandson are going down south tomorrow to be with SIL 1's family, which is perfectly fair since his (very nice) family don't see so much of the three of them as we do. Also it was our turn to have them last year. But it means that they won't be here for Christmas. (Last Christmas Mr Life and I didn't know that we had Grandson sitting at the table with us. And I am so dumb that I didn't even notice that Daughter 1 wasn't having either wine or coffee. She was sure that I would notice this, and would put two and two together. Nope.)

Daughter 2 is going with her new husband to be with his parents, also in the Midlands of England. Again, reasonable enough but we'll miss her. We should get her next year. Son thinks he'll pop down from Perth for Christmas lunch, so he'll probably be here while his young lady sleeps, after administering Accident and Emergency overnight treatment to those of our nothern compatriots who're about to fall over, stab their thumbs with the carving knife, walk into lampposts or develop appendicitis. Still, we'll be a very small party, without even my late aunt, who had Christmas with us every year since 1982, I think. Just Mum, Mr Life, Son and me.

Still, on we plod. Sirius volunteered to add interest to the penguinscape today. "Would you like me this way?" he enquired.

"Or this way?"

More animals for Mr Life to assemble. (He's the assembler in this marriage.)

Look: a reindeer (we're getting Christmassy at last) and an elephant. Presumably a baby elephant, suitable for greeting the baby Jesus. Or I suppose the reindeer might be a giant.

I should really wrap some presents. At least I've iced the cake, though Daughter 2 used to do it so much more artistically. But it's done. And the whole kitchen is sticky so I shall go and deal with this.


  1. I like your cake.
    And wereI closer I would love to add to your little party and spend Christmas with you. Not sure when my family is getting together, but it will likely be closer to the New Year. Sigh.

  2. I bet your cake is nice....I like fruit cake. Is that a touch of the 'bah humbugs'?

  3. i was sad ... and now i am sadder because you are sad, too ... perfectly fair and reasonable only look good on paper - in Real Life, fair and reasonable are the Short End of the Stick.

  4. Lizzie T8:04 am

    I know how you feel! One tries to be mature about such things.

  5. I know this is the last Christmas when I can guarantee that we will be together. Sharing is going to be hard. I think I would feel just as you do. You did a good job with the cake though.

  6. Oh I do miss my family at this time of year. Being married to a curate means that I will never be back at 'home' for Christmas day as all our family are so far away. And our sons are still in the 'got to see the world' phase! I have loved your penguins - what a brilliant idea.

  7. You did a great job with the cake. Ours is still naked so will have to fit icing it in today, amongst all of the house cleaning. Our Girlie is getting married next year and I'm not looking forward at all to the Christmases we won't have her here. And will feel especially hard done to as her future in-laws have lots round their Christmas table whereas we don't manage to use all six dining chairs!

  8. I truly enjoy your posts, Isabelle. I have enjoyed the journey into retirement and through advent. I hope hte blahs move out, and happiness returns. :) After all, you do have quite an animal menagerie to smile at! ;) I appreciate you, your posts and the smiles you share with me. Merry Christmas and happy new year, Isabelle!! Many hugs sent!

  9. Glad you'll have your son and Mom for Christmas. It's hard when a family is spread out all over. I've enjoyed your penguins so much!

  10. Your cake looks lovely, Isabelle! I am also without son number one and daughter this year. No daughter-in-law or granddaughter either. O h well. There is always next year and thank heavens for Skype! Have a Happy Christmas, my friend.
